Friday, December 25, 2015

What Gift Are You Giving Christ?

The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds, 1634, Rembrant
As we look at what the Bible tells us about the birth of Christ, we see there were several people who, whether they intended it or not, offered gifts to the newborn King. 
In Matthew 2 we see the Wise Men that travelled from afar to worship Christ. These men, had they continued to follow the star that was given to guide them, would likely have made it for his birth. (By order of Scripture, I believe they finally made it thirty-odd days later, but that is for another post.) They had preplanned to give Him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
In Luke 2:7 we see the Innkeeper. He is not mentioned by name, only by decision. There was no room for Christ in the inn, so they were offered the barn. It was not a clean and sanitary place; our Saviour was brought into this world with the smell of animal dung in His nostrils. He was given, by proxy, the gift of animal excrement from the innkeeper.
Then in Luke 2:8 we are introduced to the shepherds. They were keeping watch over their flock, and were visited by angels to tell of the birth of Christ. The shepherds immediately responded and went to see the newborn King. But what did they give Him?
Simply put, they gave themselves. They not only came to see and worship Him, but then went out and started telling everyone what they saw.
As we remember Christs birth on this Christmas day, let us ask ourselves; are we giving Christ ourselves? Or are we merely giving Him gilded treasures? Or even worse, is getting nothing but the smelly leftovers from your life? What gift are you giving Him?

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