Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Faith and the Bible

“…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
What is faith? We need to understand that faith is not just believing blindly. It is not a blind leap into unknown territory without any assurance whatsoever... instead, it is a trust and belief that is based on the foundation of facts the God has presented. I would like to consider how God has preceded His request for our faith with Scripture.
Consider this; Paul struggled to convince others of a resurrection; why? Was it because there was no proof? Of course not; there is a massive level of proof of the resurrection of Christ. The problem is that we stop looking at evidence, and start to look at the misdirection of the world.

If you are a born again Christian, there is a reason you are a born again Christian. You decided to believe God… He told you that you were a sinner; and we have that evidence; He told us that that “…Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures…” (I Corinthians 15:3-4)
So, wait…why should I believe that?
To answer that, we must first understand the purpose of the Scriptures. Is the Bible just this book that some guy wrote? Is it a fictional account that someone imagined and cobbled together?
Let us just consider the Gospels; the reason for their existence was not just to tell us about the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ for posterity; if that were the case, one Gospel was quite sufficient. The Gospels form the body of EVIDENCE that those things happened; historically. It is the eyewitness testimony of those who were there.
Simon Greenleaf (December 5, 1783 – October 6, 1853
Simon Greenleaf was a professor of law, and one of the principle founders of the Harvard Law School; considered by many to be the greatest expert of evidence and testimony. After making derisive claims about Christianity, he set out to disprove the Bible by attacking the Biblical testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
He was certain that an exhaustive examination of the internal witness of the Gospels would dispel the central theme of Christianity; the myth that there Christ was resurrected from the dead. This is a great study, which we do not have time to fully convey in the space allotted; but suffice to say that after years of exhaustive research and analysis, after carefully weighing the evidence presented historically and in Scripture, he concluded that the witnesses were reliable, and that the resurrection did in fact happen. 
The point is this; God has asked for our faith in His Word; but he has provided the proof already that His word can be trusted. The question is, do you trust it?
“If any unbiased jury in the world considered the evidence for the resurrection of Christ, they would have to conclude that Jesus of Nazareth actually rose from the dead.”

— Simon Greenleaf

*taken from Constructing Character by Steve C. Roberts