God is infinite and all knowing, and He has planned for our Salvation from the beginning... and comforted Adam and Eve with that promise... the problem was that many of His promises are veiled prophecies that only made sense to those who came much later.
One thing that was shown me once, that blessed me, was how He showed His plan for the Salvation of man through Adam, down through the Godly lineage of Seth. If you consider the meaning of the names, they read like this:
Adam: Man
Seth: Appointed
Enos: Mortal
Cainan: Sorrowful Inheritance (An inheritance that makes you sad)
Mahalaleel: The Blessed God
Jared: Shall Come
Enoch: Teaching
Methuselah: His Death Will Bring
Lamech: Despairing
Noah: Comfort
In a sentence, Man (has been) Appointed Mortal Sorrow (for an) Inheritance. The Blessed God Shall Come Teaching. His Death Will Bring Despairing Comfort.